
Biotin hair vitamin (H/B8) is originally found in foods as eggs, milk, nuts, and bananas. Some people get to less biotin for hair growth in their body, which leaves them with a shortage. A deficiency of biotin hair vitamin could in some cases lead to thinning hair and rashes on the face. That is why in this article we help you to understand why biotin for hair growth is so important and how biotin hair supplements can help to control deficiencies of this vitamin. The following topics will be discussed: Does biotin help hair growth? Is biotin good for hair growth? Biotin for hair growth side effects Biotin for hair loss How much biotin for hair growth? Biotin for beard growth The hair growth tablets of Neofollics contain a safe amount that will help your hair return to a healthy condition. In this blog you will read what you can do about this deficiency and how this vitamin makes your hair healthy again.

What is biotin?

Biotin is an important part of enzymes in the body that break down substances like fats, carbohydrates and others. It is a vitamin in the B-category, these are good for getting energy in your body. Many food and drinks naturally contain Biotin, in which it has positive effects for your body.

When you combine the amino acid lysin in biotin, you get biocytin. Biocytin is an organic compound with a chemical formula. According to a medical study of (The Journal of Nutrition, 2014), Biotin is important for women during pregnancy, to get an healthy child. This is because women are more vulnerable at that moment and could easily get deficiency.

Products such as the hair growth tablets of Neofollics use Biotin to help stay energetic and healthy and help improve the hair condition. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that biotin can help the body to process glucose and to metabolize proteins, fats, carbohydrates and helps to transfer carbon dioxide.

Biotin Health effects

According to MedicalNewsToday (2017) there are no side-effects on eating or using supplements, that contain Biotin on a daily basis.

This means that it is completely safe to use. The use of supplements that include biotin can help stimulate your hair growth and health of skin, hair and nails, especially for people that suffer from deficiency or brittle nail syndrome.

Deficiency on biotin could possibly cause: less nail strength and hair loss; in particular a lack of biotin can be linked to cause cradle cap infants and more loss of hair. Using supplements can help strengthen your nails and reduce hair loss. Diabetes; diabetes is not caused by deficiency of biotin but the vitamin can help control diabetes. Research suggests that the vitamin stimulates the use of Glucose in the body and secretion of insulin.

Strong biotin product for hair growth 

For a healthy hair growth you can use products which contain biotin. The best product that contains biotin for a healthy hair growth, are the Neofollics hair growth supporting tablets. These tablets contain active ingredients that support hair growth and combat against hair loss. The tablets contain 1000 µg what is similar to 1 milligram.

This amount is completely safe according to a medical study of Mayoclinic (2022), which did research, if 10 milligram of Biotin could lead to side-effects, but no side-effects where found at all.

Another research has been done, in pregnant women that combat with hair loss. The hair growth supporting tablets of Neofollics could than help your hair to grow back. A result that often comes up with our customers is less hair loss. A side note to this is that you need to use the tablets consistent.

The tablets also contain other vitamins as B2, B3, B5 and B12 and other ingredients that help support healthy and beautiful hair. More information about the hair growth supporting tablets you can find on this page. 

Hair Growth Supporting Tablets

Home remedies for hair growth without Biotin

There are other options, if you want to grow your hair from home. A couple products that can help with the growth of hair are shampoos, conditioners, lotions and other easy to use products. These products contain active ingredients to stimulate the hair and have a nourishing effect.

Furthermore, it soothes the scalp and can against dandruff. The scalp treatment that you can find on our website suits this perfectly. This treatment uses ingrediënts such as Biotin with positive effects on the overall scalp condition. And it is proven to be effective against seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.

For the perfect hair condition you can use the Neofollics tablets in combination with an useful shampoo or lotion. The Neofollics hair growth supporting tablets, contain 100 tablets, which is sufficient for 2 months.

Furthermore, it contains natural extracts that counteract the formation of DHT in the hair follicles. A good product that is perfectly to combine with the tablets is the hair growth stimulating shampoo. This shampoo improves the general condition of the scalp and the vitalizing ingredients in the shampoo nourish the hair follicles, so that they produce new and stronger hair. In short, it is important that you get enough Biotin into your body for healthy hair growth.

So you should buy the best product with Biotin against hair loss and thinning hair on the market, if you want to improve your hair condition!

Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
Man holding Neofollics hair growth stimulating shampoo
Applying Neofollics Hair Growth Supporting Tablets on hand
Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
Man holding Neofollics hair growth stimulating shampoo
Applying Neofollics Hair Growth Supporting Tablets on hand
Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo

Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo

De Neofollics Haargroei Stimulaterende Shampoo is de meest effectieve shampoo om de haargroei te bevorderen. Naast de 12 haargroeistimulerende ingrediënten is deze shampoo ook voedend. Het kalmeert de hoofdhuid, is effectief tegen roos en legt de basis voor een gezonde haargroei.

Hoe de Neofollics Haargroei Shampoo werkt

De Neofollics Shampoo wordt met de vingertoppen rechtstreeks op de hoofdhuid aangebracht. Hierbij wordt de shampoo zachtjes gemasseerd en verdeeld. De shampoo levert rijke voedingsstoffen aan de hoofdhuid die door de haarzakjes worden opgenomen.

De verzorgende ingrediënten in de shampoo verbeteren de algehele conditie van de hoofdhuid. Dit is de basis voor een gezonde haargroei en het remmen van haaruitval. Vanuit deze basis zijn het de vitaliserende ingrediënten in de shampoo die de haarzakjes voorzien van de voeding die ze nodig hebben om nieuw en sterker haar te produceren.

Uit de klinische test blijkt dat het gebruik van de shampoo leidt tot minder haaruitval, de haargroei bevordert en onmiddellijk meer volume aan het haar geeft. Kortom, de Neofollics shampoo is de meest krachtige shampoo om jouw haargroei te stimuleren.

Inhoud Neofollics Haargroei Shampoo

De Neofollics Shampoo bevat 250ml Haargroei Stimulerende Shampoo, voldoende voor 2 maanden gebruik afhankelijk van de dosering. Verder bevat The Neofollics Shampoo 12 bewezen actieve ingrediënten om haaruitval op meerdere manieren aan te pakken en de haargroei te stimuleren.

Voor wie is de Neofollics Shampoo geschikt?

De Neofollics Shampoo is geschikt voor iedere man en vrouw (18+) die de conditie van het haar effectief wil verbeteren en stimuleren. Daarnaast is de shampoo ook een geschikte oplossing om haaruitval tegen te gaan.

Geschikt product voor:
  • (Extreme) haaruitval
  • Dunner wordend haar
  • Een stijgende haarlijn
  • Inhamvorming
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • Telogeen Effluvium
  • Haaruitval na zwangerschap
  • Haaruitval tijdens menopause

Kortom, de shampoo biedt een oplossing bij meerdere soorten haaruitval.

De ervaringen met de Neofollics Shampoo

Veel mensen ervaren positieve effecten na gebruik van de Neofollics shampoo. De meeste gebruikers zien verbeteringen in hun haarconditie na drie maanden gebruik. Wil je jouw ervaring delen? Ga dan naar de review sectie bovenaan de pagina.

Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion
Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion
Column chart of key efficacy indicator findings
Women unpacking Neofollics hair growth stimulating lotion
Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion
Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion
Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion
Column chart of key efficacy indicator findings
Women unpacking Neofollics hair growth stimulating lotion
Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion

Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion

De Neofollics Haargroei Stimulerende Lotion, met 7% Neoxyl®, is de krachtigste lotion op de markt om haargroei te stimuleren. Het Neoxyl haargroei complex bevat 10 wetenschappelijk bewezen ingrediënten om de haargroei te stimuleren.

Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion

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