Anti Grey producten
Anti Grey treatment
How to stop my hair from greying?
Grijs haar voorkomen
Everyone gets grey hair sooner or later. But how do grey hair actually arise and is it possible to do something about it. Grey hair is created by a complex biochemical process. In recent years, several studies have identified the factors and processes that contribute to grey hair. The main culprit appears to be an excess of hydrogen peroxide, a substance produced naturally by the body.
Hair cells of people of all ages produce some level of hydrogen peroxide. In young people, hydrogen peroxide is quickly broken down by the enzyme catalase, into the harmless elements hydrogen and oxygen. However, as we age, hair cells produce smaller amounts of catalase and less hydrogen peroxide is broken down.
When the hydrogen peroxide builds up, the melanin doesn't work as well. Melanin is a substance produced by the body that gives colour to hair, skin and eyes. In the beginning, the hydrogen peroxide takes some colour out of the hair, making the hairs look grey. Over time, as the level of catalase continues to fall and the level of hydrogen peroxide increases, hair can turn from grey to white.
Wat veroorzaakt grijs haar?
Hair turns grey because of various reasons. There are factors such as hair loss that can speed up the process of greying your hair. Stress is a trigger that can cause telogen effluvium, a form of hair loss. In addition, aging causes shedding from the scalp whereby your hairs in time will lose their colour. The only way how to stop grey hair is by effectively use vitamins to prevent grey hair or supplements to stop grey hair. Something we will tell you more about later in the article.
As a younger person, maybe you had a full head of brown, black, red, or blonde hair.
Some health problems that could accelerate hair greying are: lack of vitamin B-12, certain rare inherited tumor conditions, thyroid disease and vitiligo.
When you are young, you can naturally have many hair colours such as grey, blonde, red, or black. As you get older, pigment cells called Melanocytes in our hair follicles die that cause this colour. When there are fewer pigment cells in the hair follicles, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent colour such as grey, silver, and white. Eventually, the hair will look completely grey and that is not what you want if you are anti greying.
Kan stress grijs haar veroorzaken?
Grijs haar door genetica
Grijs haar na chemo
Wat zijn melanocyten
Wat is de gemiddelde leeftijd voor grijs haar?
When grey hair starts depends on some factors as genetics, stress and chemo. To prevent grey hair is unfortunately difficult, without anti grey hair products. On average, white people start greying in their 30s, Asians in their late 30s and African Americans in their mid-40s. Many people have a significant amount of grey hair when they turn 50.
Premature greying is seen in a white person around the age of 20 while in African-Americans this is around 30. If you are even younger and around the age of 16 and experiencing grey or white hair don't worry. As we have said before you can stop grey hair from developing if you tackle these factors. We therefore advise you to take plenty of vitamins to stop grey hair, for example by taking anti grey hair tablets, which are full of vitamins that will nourish deficiencies in your body and improve your hair condition.
A few grey hairs around the age of 20 or 25 is considered perfectly normal. When large quantities of grey hairs are visible, it is a different story and it is better to look for the cause and in the future try to prevent grey hair. When you become grey in later life, you can make the choice to accept your grey hair and keep it. It can make you look older and wiser. But if you are really anti greying, when you think you have done everything to prevent grey hair and to stop grey hair. Then smoking, vitamin B-12 deficiency and autoimmune disease may be the underlying cause.
Vitamine B12-tekort
As mentioned above, vitamins are important for growing healthy hair. An important vitamin for this is vitamin B-12 and deficiencies lead to premature hair greying. Researchers have noted that vitamin B-12 deficiencies often coincide with folic acid and biotin deficiencies in people whose hair begins to grey early.
Vitamin B-12 is a nutrient that is essential for your metabolism, DNA production, and overall energy levels. You can ensure you get enough vitamin B-12 by eating foods such as meat, dairy products, fortified cereals, or by using anti grey hair products such as an anti grey hair pill that contains vitamins to stop grey hair.
Premature hair greying can be associated with various autoimmune disorders such as vitiligo, pernicious anemia, alopecia areata, thyroid diseases and premature aging syndromes as Werner's and Hutchinson-Gilford progeria. If one of these autoimmune diseases is the cause of your grey hair, it is difficult to do anything about it. However, if you suffer from alopecia areata (patchy hair loss) you can try to stop grey hair with the treatment for alopecia areata.
Grijze haren mannen en vrouwen
Research by The British Journal of Medicine shows that there are some differences between the growth of grey hair in women and men. In this study, hair colour was studied according to age, gender, ethnicity and geographical background.
This research shows that between the ages of 45 and 65, about 74% of the people suffered from grey hair with an average intensity of 27%. Men in this group had significantly more grey hairs than women. Furthermore, it became clear that people of Asian and African descent had fewer grey hairs than those of Caucasian descent, at similar ages. Something that previous research on grey hair and anti greying confirms.
A huge difference between men and women in hair greying are that in men, hair first grows 60.6% at the temporal area of the head. In women this differs more as 38.6% of grey hair grows first in the frontal area and 31% in the temporal area.
Grijs haar versus wit haar
How to prevent grey hair naturally?
How to stop grey hair naturally is something you might ask yourself if your anti greying or suffer from premature hair greying. The best way to fight these colourless hairs is to prevent grey hair. A few tips regarding the prevention of grey hairs are:
- Address potential vitamin deficiencies: when you have a lack of vitamin B-12, iron, Biotin or vitamin D. It is more likely that you will suffer from premature hair greying. A solution could be taking supplements to stop grey hair or nourishing more vitamins to prevent grey hair.
- Learn to manage stress: stress can trigger premature hair greying. You should aim to reduce unnecessary stressors in your life. Other things you can try is to manage stress for yourself and keep positive thinking. Meditation, exercise or breathing exercises help in some people.
- Quit smoking: smoking can lead to premature hair greying. If you don't start smoking or quit smoking it could help to keep your original hair colour longer.
- Eat nutrients: Eating a lot of nutrients can make up for certain deficiencies. Some examples are lentils and chickpeas, which are full of vitamin B9. Salmon is high in vitamin D, and tuna, trout, and sardines all offer a healthy dose of vitamin B12. Walnuts are also an excellent source of copper, which can promote melanin production in your hair. What you need to stop the grey hair on your scalp.
- Avoid hair products with harsh chemicals: harsh hair products, from shampoos, can contain ingredients that reduce the hair's natural melanin, such as hydrogen peroxide which can lead to premature hair greying. It is best to use a harmless shampoo and conditioner that does not contain any strange ingredients. Products containing, for example, silicone or parabens should also be avoided, as they can cause your hair to fall out more quickly.
Wat kun je direct doen om grijs haar te voorkomen?
Moet je grijze haren plukken?
We understand that it can be tempting at the sight of one grey hair to immediately pull it out. There is a wide belief that if you pluck a grey hair from your scalp that many more grey hairs will follow in its wake. This is an anti greying myth, because what you do with a single strand can't spread like contagion. Hairs only turn grey when the pigment cells in their own hair follicles die. Eventually this will lead to hair loss and thinning hair.
The best thing to do when you see grey hair is to try and stop grey hair. This can be done, for example, by taking anti grey hair products like anti grey hair pill which is full of vitamins to prevent grey hair.
Kun je grijs omkeren?
Yes, it is possible to reverse grey hair. Unfortunately, this is not possible for everyone. If ageing or genetics are the only cause of hair greying, it can only be delayed, not prevented. This is because the pigment cells in the hair follicles die of their own accord. There is no way to bring them back.
However, if your greying hair is the direct result of a medical problem, there is a way to restore your natural hair colour and stop the greying. Above mentioned factors like not smoking, healthy diet and avoiding stress are factors that help well against premature hair greying. In addition, you can use anti grey hair products to ensure that you keep your natural hair colour as long as possible.
Wat maakt haar sneller grijs?
There are a number of reasons why your hair may turn grey more quickly. Therefore, we have listed for you the factors that accelerate the process of greying hair:
- Genetics & aging
- Smoking
- Stress
- Autoimmune condition such as alopecia areata, vitiligo, pernicious anemia, thyroid diseases and premature aging syndromes as Werner's and Hutchinson-Gilford progeria.
- Polluted environment that generates free radicals and oxidative stress
- Hormonal change
Hoe grijs haar in de baard te stoppen?
Supplementen en behandelingen voor grijs haar
There are certain supplements to stop grey hair. The Neofollics anti grey hair tablets is such a supplement to stop grey hair and is developed to effectively combat the greying of hair and maintain the natural hair colour. These tablets are suitable for every man and woman over 18 years of age who is searching for effective anti grey hair products. In these supplements to stop grey hair ingredients such as catalase, quercetin, copper, l-tyrosine, selenium, zinc, biotin and egcg have been used.
An even more advanced treatment against grey hair is the Neofollics anti grey treatment. This is a powerful combination of anti greying supplements and Hair Growth Supporting Tablets. Together, these anti grey hair products increase your chances of getting your natural hair colour back, while at the same time ensuring healthy hair. Research shows that 75% of our users experienced a visible reduction in grey hair after using this treatment.
Werken Anti Grey Hair Tablets?
Waarom zouden Neofollics anti-grijze haarpillen werken? Is een vraag die je jezelf zou kunnen stellen. Zoals hierboven vermeld bestaan de producten van Neofollics uit ingrediënten die helpen bij het terugkrijgen van de natuurlijke haargroei en uit onderzoek blijkt dat 80% van de gebruikers een verbetering in de pigmentatie ziet en 75% minder grijs haar heeft. Hieronder bespreken we kort de ingrediënten die Neofollics gebruikt:
- Catalase: Catalase is een enzym met sterke antioxiderende eigenschappen en heeft effecten die vergelijkbaar zijn met de antioxidant-enzymen glutathion en superoxide-dismutase, die de oxidatieve stress van het lichaam helpen verminderen. Catalase-enzym breekt waterstofperoxide af in waterstof- en watermoleculen en bestrijdt ook vrije radicalen. Biologische processen in het lichaam creëren vrije radicalen als bijproduct, die cellen kunnen beschadigen en veroudering kunnen veroorzaken. Naarmate u ouder wordt, neemt de productie van catalase af, waardoor vrije radicalen zich in het lichaam ophopen, wat leidt tot leeftijdsgebonden problemen, en grijs worden van het haar is daar één van.
- Quercetine: Er zijn veel onderzoeken gedaan naar de effecten van Quercetine op het gebied van antivergrijzing. De volgende conclusie kan worden getrokken: "Quercetine verbetert de melanogenese door de activiteit en synthese van tyrosinase in menselijke melanoomcellen en in normale menselijke melanocyten te verhogen".
- Koper: Koper is een essentieel onderdeel van melanine. Melanine kan alleen door melanocyten worden geproduceerd in aanwezigheid van het enzym tyrosinase, en het is juist koper dat deze enzymatische reactie katalyseert. Het nemen van supplementen tegen grijs haar dat dit mineraal bevat, is daarom een zeer effectieve manier om te helpen beschermen tegen grijs haar.
- L-Tyrosine: L-Tyrosine is verantwoordelijk voor de productie van melanine, wat ons onze haarkleur geeft. Het is ook een van de aminozuren die bijdragen aan de hergroei van gezond haar.
- Selenium: Selenium is een mineraal dat erg belangrijk is voor de haargroei. Het heeft de erkende gezondheidsclaim van de EFSA dat het helpt het haar gezond te houden. Selenium heeft een antiverouderingspotentieel.
- Zink: Zink draagt bij aan het behoud van normaal haar. Het draagt ook bij tot het behoud van normale mannelijke hormoonspiegels in het bloed. Bovendien heeft onderzoek aangetoond dat zink in verband wordt gebracht met vroegtijdige vergrijzing van het haar, net als ijzer en koper.
- Biotine: Biotine of vitamine B8 (B7 in de VS en Duitsland) heeft de door de EFSA goedgekeurde claim dat het bijdraagt aan het behoud van normaal haar.
- EGCG: Groene thee-extract wordt verkregen uit de bladeren van Camelia Sinesis. Groene thee bevat een hoge concentratie polyfenolen en flavonoïden, waaronder Epigallocatechinegallaat of EGCG. Groene thee kan de vergrijzing van het haar niet ongedaan maken, maar kan het proces wel vertragen vanwege de antioxiderende eigenschappen. Wanneer schade door vrije radicalen de reden is voor het grijs worden van uw haar. EGCG kan deze vrije radicalen wegvangen en het proces vertragen.
Voedingssupplementen tegen grijs haar vs Shampoo tegen grijs haar
Veel mensen vinden grijzend haar vervelend. Grijze haren kun je op verschillende manieren voorkomen of tegengaan. Dit kan door shampoo tegen grijs haar te gebruiken, kies dan voor “kleurshampoo grijsdekking”. Dit zijn echter geen oplossingen die het probleem bij de kern aanpakken, maar eerder een oppervlakkige en tijdelijke oplossing. De Neofollics anti grijze lijn pakt het probleem bij de kern aan en voorkomt vergrijzing van het haar. Dit heeft effect op de lange termijn, terwijl shampoo tegen grijs haar alleen effect heeft op de korte termijn.
De Neofollics anti grijs lijn richt zich op het tegengaan van de biochemische processen die grijs haar veroorzaken. Verschillende natuurlijke ingrediënten die de remming van waterstofperoxide helpen voorkomen, voorkomen grijs haar. Bovendien kunnen reeds witte of grijze haren minder grijs worden en zelfs hun oorspronkelijke kleur terugkrijgen. Het herstellen van de kleur, vooral bij langdurig grijs haar, is uiteraard lastiger dan het stimuleren van de remming van grijs haar.
Vitaminen om grijs haar te stoppen
Om het proces van voortijdige haarvergrijzing te vertragen en grijs haar te voorkomen, is het slim om te proberen de rest van je haarkleur te behouden. Er zijn bepaalde vitamines om grijs haar te voorkomen. Ze helpen de productie van melanine in de haarzakjes te garanderen. Voedingsstoffen en vitamines om grijs haar te stoppen zijn calcium, ijzer, koper, eiwitten, vitamine B-5, vitamine B-6, vitamine B-12, vitamine D en zink. Wanneer je dus begint met een anti grijs haar behandeling is het verstandig om te controleren of deze mineralen en vitamines in de anti grijs haar tabletten zitten.
What can you do immediately to prevent grey hair?
Om grijze haren snel te laten stoppen, doe je dat eigenlijk door gezonder te gaan leven. Wij begrijpen dat voortijdige haarvergrijzing niet prettig is en het vinden van de oorzaak vaak niet eenvoudig is. Gelukkig is er in veel situaties iets aan te doen. Na het lezen van dit artikel weet je hopelijk meer over antivergrijzing. Het advies van Neofollics is daarom dat u uw haarsituatie moet beoordelen, de onderliggende oorzaak moet onderzoeken en vervolgens moet uitzoeken wat voor soort behandeling u kan helpen.
Als u denkt dat u een tekort aan vitamines of mineralen heeft, raden wij u aan je gebruikt de Neofollics Anti Grey behandeling. Dit zijn supplementen die je haarconditie sterk kunnen verbeteren en grijze haren kunnen bestrijden.< /p>