Saw palmetto
Saw Palmetto is a plant that originates out of a small saw palmetto, from which the Serenoa Repens extract is extracted. This extract is rich in fatty acids and plan sterols and is used in vegan medicines.
We use it to support the prostate and use it against hair loss due to the DHT blocking workwise. This makes it an effective remedy against hair loss, that is also proven by several studies.

Studies that show the effect of Saw Palmetto in hair products
Saw palmetto is an effective product in a study two lotions were tested apart from each other. To understand the results of Saw Palmetto in hair growth lotions. with each other and the results show that the lotion with the plant in it had 2 times as many hair growth than the other group. The conclusion of this study shows that Saw Palmetto has an improving effect on your hair growth.
Another study (Kalwat, 2019) shows that a lotion with Saw palmetto effectively helps extra hair growth, in which users saw an increase in their amount of hairs in 12 to 24 weeks. Also, it is stated that this plant helps against alopecia and other hair and scalp conditions.
Another study (NCCIH, 2020) shows that with an 100-320 mg intake, per day in people who suffer from alopecia androgenetic and telogen effluvium, there is an 60% improvement in overall hair quality, 27% improvement in the total amount of hairs and an 83,3% increase in the hair density of the users. From this research can be concluded that the extract of this plant has a positive effect on your hair and hair density.
Differences between Saw Palmetto and Finasteride
Finasteride is also an ingredient often used against hair loss. According to a study of the ‘National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’ (2020), Saw palmetto does not appear to have any side effects on loss of sex drive or impotence. In fact is has quite the opposite effect on your body. In combination with other side effects that finasteride has, it shows that for woman that are pregnant and other people the best thing is using the natural Saw palmetto instead of Finasteride.
Safety of Saw Palmetto
According to a research of ‘National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’ (2020) Saw palmetto does not interfere with any medications. However, it can still be usefully to inform a doctor if you are going to use Saw palmetto very often or in big amounts (360mg) and have heavy medication. There have furthermore no side-effects appeared after using the product, by any of the users. In addition, only a small amount is used in Neofollics products, which have no consequences for your health.
Neofollics products that include Saw palmetto
The saw palmetto extract is in one particular product of Neofollics. Which is the hair growth supporting tablets. This tablets stimulate hair growth and combat hair loss effectively. There are several essential vitamins and nutrients used as well as plant-extracts that counteract the formation of DHT in the hair follicles and stimulate healthy hair growth.
Other ingredients in the hair growth stimulating tablets are green tea extract, red clover, biotin, folic acid and more (link). All these products have their effect on growing the hair and you can read more on them on the other pages. The amount per serving of the Saw palmetto extract in the tablets is 160mg, what is an effective and save amount, if you keep in mind that you should use one to three tablets spread over the day. For the best results we recommend using 3 tablets per day. But as a maintenance dose or when using medication, it is recommend to only use 1 or 2 a day.

Other remedies for hair loss without Saw palmetto
There are several other remedies against hair loss and for developing growing and healthy hair. These remedies can be things at home such as shampoo, lotion, conditioner or a serum. An important thing to consider when using such products is what is in it and what are the effects and side-effects of this product.
An huge example is the use of Minoxidil in most of the hair products. According to (MayoClinic, 2022) the use of Minoxidil can have several side-effects such as itching or skin rash, acne, burning of the scalp, increased hair loss, facial hair growth, reddened skin and inflammation. That is why Neofollics has decided not to use Minoxidil in any product at all, because hair growth products, which use it can’t guarantee the health of their customers. The lotion, shampoo, serum and conditioner are thus made without minoxidil and with active ingredients that improve your hair growth and scalp. And the products make sure that you can combat against any kind of hair condition, as long as you prepare yourself with the right tools at home.
Saw palmetto is therefore a plant that can help you to grow your hair back. Neofollics uses it in their hair supporting tablets, it is a vegan product that together with several vitamins and nutrients counteract the formation of DHT in the hair follicles.
Frequently asked questions
Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
De Neofollics Haargroei Stimulaterende Shampoo is de meest effectieve shampoo om de haargroei te bevorderen. Naast de 12 haargroeistimulerende ingrediënten is deze shampoo ook voedend. Het kalmeert de hoofdhuid, is effectief tegen roos en legt de basis voor een gezonde haargroei.
Hoe de Neofollics Haargroei Shampoo werkt
De Neofollics Shampoo wordt met de vingertoppen rechtstreeks op de hoofdhuid aangebracht. Hierbij wordt de shampoo zachtjes gemasseerd en verdeeld. De shampoo levert rijke voedingsstoffen aan de hoofdhuid die door de haarzakjes worden opgenomen.
De verzorgende ingrediënten in de shampoo verbeteren de algehele conditie van de hoofdhuid. Dit is de basis voor een gezonde haargroei en het remmen van haaruitval. Vanuit deze basis zijn het de vitaliserende ingrediënten in de shampoo die de haarzakjes voorzien van de voeding die ze nodig hebben om nieuw en sterker haar te produceren.
Uit de klinische test blijkt dat het gebruik van de shampoo leidt tot minder haaruitval, de haargroei bevordert en onmiddellijk meer volume aan het haar geeft. Kortom, de Neofollics shampoo is de meest krachtige shampoo om jouw haargroei te stimuleren.
Inhoud Neofollics Haargroei Shampoo
De Neofollics Shampoo bevat 250ml Haargroei Stimulerende Shampoo, voldoende voor 2 maanden gebruik afhankelijk van de dosering. Verder bevat The Neofollics Shampoo 12 bewezen actieve ingrediënten om haaruitval op meerdere manieren aan te pakken en de haargroei te stimuleren.
Voor wie is de Neofollics Shampoo geschikt?
De Neofollics Shampoo is geschikt voor iedere man en vrouw (18+) die de conditie van het haar effectief wil verbeteren en stimuleren. Daarnaast is de shampoo ook een geschikte oplossing om haaruitval tegen te gaan.
Geschikt product voor:
- (Extreme) haaruitval
- Dunner wordend haar
- Een stijgende haarlijn
- Inhamvorming
- Alopecia Areata
- Androgenetic Alopecia
- Telogeen Effluvium
- Haaruitval na zwangerschap
- Haaruitval tijdens menopause
Kortom, de shampoo biedt een oplossing bij meerdere soorten haaruitval.
De ervaringen met de Neofollics Shampoo
Veel mensen ervaren positieve effecten na gebruik van de Neofollics shampoo. De meeste gebruikers zien verbeteringen in hun haarconditie na drie maanden gebruik. Wil je jouw ervaring delen? Ga dan naar de review sectie bovenaan de pagina.
Hair Growth Kit
Het Neofollics Haargroeikit is het meest geavanceerde kit om haargroei te stimuleren. Het Neofollics Haargroeikit bestaat uit de Neofollics Haargroeistimulerende Lotion en de Neofollics Haargroei Versterkende Scalp Roller. Het Haargroeikit is een krachtige set die haargroei op meerdere manieren stimuleert en activeert. De Neofollics lotion bevat 10 actieve haargroei stimulerende ingrediënten, die de niet-geactiveerde follikels een extra prikkel geven om te groeien. Alle ingrediënten zijn wetenschappelijk bewezen een positief effect op haargroei te hebben. In combinatie met de Scalp Roller wordt de lotion 5 keer beter opgenomen.