Patchy Beard Growth

Patchy Beard Growth

Patchy Beard Growth

A patchy beard is an uneven beard, that is usually passed down from parents to children. Your beard might grow patchy in places due to genetics or an imbalanced diet, varying levels of hormones and stress.

In this article you will read everything you need to know about patchy beard growth and how you can fix a patchy beard. The following topics will be explained:

  • Patchy beard growth progress
  • Patchy beard growth tips
  • Does beard growth oil work for a patchy beard?
Neofollics Beard Growth products

Patchy beard growth progress

In time, it is possible that you beard may fill in, but that’s when your patchy beard is caused by genetics. In the beginning people often have a patchy beard but later they grow a full beard. You need to start today to treat your beard the right way, to keep it clean and to stimulate non-activated beard follicles. A great treatment for patchy beard growth, is the beard growth kit of Neofollics that consists out of a beard roller to stimulate blood flow and activate the beard follicles and a beard growth serum that calms the skin and stimulates beard growth.

After starting this treatment, you should make patchy beard growth progress to get a more even beard. 4 month patchy beard progress can give you a chin and moustache that are looking more even, while the cheeks can be trimmed evenly around one length. It is a myth that trimming more often leads to faster beard growth.

1 year patchy beard progress when you have tried regularly to activate all your beard follicles by stimulating them with a beard roller, looks much more even than before the treatment for your beard follicles.

Patchy beard growth tips

To fix your patchy beard growth, you should give your beard time to grow. Between 90 and 120 days of daily good care and stimulating your beard follicles to grow is a standard norm that you can take. Other patchy beard growth tips to get rid of the patchy beard, is eating a proper diet with good vitamin and nutrients for hair growth, also getting enough exercise and sleep could help your patchy beard to grow fuller and more even.

Biotin is a vitamin that is important for good nutrition and to combat hair loss. Deficiency of iron, biotin, or other vitamins and nutrients can lead to beard hair loss. Getting enough in your diet or supporting your hair growth with supplements can help to grow more healthy beard hairs.

Does beard growth oil work for patchy beard?

Beard oils and serums can condition your beard, soften your skin and help with your beard’s appearance, but they won’t change your beard’s genetic disposition. A beard growth serum can activate non-activated hair follicles by giving them an extra stimulus to grow. This is due to ingredients such as Raspberry Ketone, EGCG, Adenosine and Vividine. Which are scientifically proven effective stimulants for beard growth.

In conclusion the best beard growth kit for patchy beard consists out of the best beard growth oil for patchy beard and a beard roller, that together work efficiently for getting an even and healthier beard.