The Power of Folic Acid for Healthy Hair Growth

Folic acid, in other words folate is known as vitamin B9 in France, Germany and the United States. It is a vitamin that is essential for proper cell growth and function. Folate plays a crucial role in many bodily processes, including the synthesis of DNA and the formation of red blood cells. Folic acid is also important for hair health, as it helps to produce keratin, a protein that makes up the structure of hair. Deficiency in folic acid can lead to hair thinning and hair loss. Which is why it is often used as ingredient in hair growth products.  
In this article you will read everything you need to know about folic acid and how it can help your hairs to grow: 

  • What is folic acid? 
  • Does folic acid make your hair grow? 
  • Is folic acid good for hair growth? 
  • How to use folic acid for hair growth? 
  • How much folic acid for hair growth? 


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What is folic acid? 

Folic acid is an important B-vitamin that is crucial for proper cell growth and function. It is involved in the production of DNA and the formation of red blood cells and is also essential for overall health and wellbeing. 

In terms of folic acid benefits for hair, this important vitamin plays a role in regulating the metabolism of the cells responsible for producing keratin, the protein that makes up the structure of hair. By promoting healthy cell growth and regulating the metabolism of these cells, folic acid can help to produce stronger and healthier hair. In addition, folic acid also helps to improve the overall health of the scalp by promoting good circulation and reducing inflammation. This can help to keep the hair follicles in good condition, reducing the risk of hair thinning and hair loss. 

Does folic acid make your hair grow? 

Folic acid and hair loss have a connection when your body notices that you have a shortage of this vitamin, this condition is called folic acid deficiency and can lead to a range of health problems, including hair issues. Symptoms on hair can be weakness and brittle hairs. 

Folate deficiency anaemia occurs when there is a lack of folic acid in your blood. This deficiency can occur when you don’t eat enough foods that contain folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and fortified cereals, yeast, and meats. Drinking too much alcohol and certain medicines, can also lead to folic acid deficiency. Which in some cases leads to hair thinning and hair loss. To prevent folic acid deficiency and reap the folic acid benefits for hair, you can use tablets to support hair growth

Folic acid tablets for hair growth often contain a variety of ingredients that support hair growth. An example of such ingredient is biotin. Folic acid and biotin for hair growth play a unique role in supporting hair health and strengthening hair. Biotin helps to strengthen hair shafts and improves hair elasticity, reducing the risk of breakage and split ends. 

When folic acid and biotin are combined in supplements they can work together to support and strengthen hair in a number of ways. Folic acid supplements for hair growth treat deficiencies and deliver essential support for proper hair growth.  

Is folic acid good for hair growth and premature greying? 

As said above, folic acid for hair helps to promote hair growth and adds volume to your hair. Also, a deficiency in vitamin B9 called folate is associated with hair turning gray sooner than it should. This is because of the importance of vitamin B9 for the production of methionine, an amino acid that’s essential for hair colour, and helps with the production of DNA and RNA. 

How to use folic acid for hair growth? 

You can use folic acid for thinning hair and hair loss by combatting the deficiency. The best way to use folic acid for hair growth is trying a supplement like Neofollics Hair Growth Supporting Tablets. These tablets contain folic acid along with other essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to enhance hair health. 

To use Neofollics Hair Growth Supporting Tablets, follow these steps: 

  1. Take one tablet from the packaging and prepare yourself a glass of water. Swallow the tablet slowly and follow up by drinking the water. 
  2. Neofollics, recommends you use 1-3 tablets per day, which you can spread over the day. For example, in the morning, afternoon and evening.  
  3. From now on you should incorporate Neofollics Hair Growth Supporting Tablets in your hair care routine. Make sure that you also include proper hair care and avoid using excessive heat in your treatment. 
  4. The last step is to be patient. It may take several months so see the full folic acid benefits for hair. But when you start to see the results on your hair condition the waiting is worth it.  

How much folic acid for hair growth? 

The Center for Disease control recommends you taking 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily to help with hair follicle production and to produce healthy, full hair. The vitamin is safe to take especially in folic acid supplements for hair growth that are specially designed to be supporting hair tablets. 


In conclusion, folic acid is an important vitamin for hair health as it helps in the production of keratin, a protein that makes up the structure of hair. A deficiency in folic acid can lead to hair thinning and hair loss, making it an important ingredient in hair growth products. Hair growth supporting tablets often contain other ingredients like biotin which also support hair health. Folic acid can also reduce the rate of premature greying. Incorporating the folic acid supplements in your hair care routine, along with proper hair care, can help to make stronger and healthier hair.  

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