Beard Growth products
The Neofollics Beard Growth products are among the most effective beard growth stimulants on the market. We clinically test all our products, as scientific proof forms the basis of the ingredients we use. These beard products have no side effects and easily fit in your daily routine.

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Beard Growth Kit
The Neofollics Beard Growth Kit, featuring the Beard Growth Stimulating Serum and Enhancing Beard Roller, effectively promotes and maintains beard growth. The serum’s 10 active ingredients boost growth, while the roller enhances serum absorption by up to 5 times, ensuring a fuller, healthier beard.

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Beard Growth
Beard growth is something that many men have whether they want it or not. However, to grow a beard might not be as easy as it seems. This is because natural beard growth is genetically determined. Some people have patchy beard growth and others grow a full beard at a young age. Unfortunately, there are many myths nowadays about how to grow a beard, but many of them are not true.
In this article we will elaborate on all the questions you may have regarding natural beard growth. We will discuss what beard growth is, at what age is it normal to grow a beard, factors that determine men beard growth, methods of stimulating beard growth, methods of enhancing beard growth, the influence of DHT beard growth, common beard problems and finally we will discuss the best supplements for beard growth that work effectively to obtain a full beard.
What is natural beard growth?
Natural beard growth is the process of facial hair growth for men. The average natural beard growth rate is 0.27 mm per 24 hours, which varies from person to person. Some people grow a patchy beard or have beard problems, while others develop a full beard at young age.
Beard growth cycle
There are three main phases in the beard growth cycle in which natural beard growth appears. These are the anagen phase, catagen phase and the telogen phase. The anagen phase is the phase in which a hair is growing. The catagen phase is the transitional phase and tends to last about 10 days or so. The telogen is the phase where the hair starts to rest. This takes about 3 months and after that it the exogen phase appears in which the hair sheds from the body.
For the purposes of beard growth, we would like to give you additional insight into how beard growth develops from week to week. So that you can see in which stages of beard growth you are now and how you should proceed.
Beard growth by week
Beard grows in different paces. But the average beard growth rate is 0,27mm per 24 hours.
Stage 1: First week beard growth stumbles.
During the first week of growing a beard not much is visible. You’ll probably only notice some stubble. You might see facial hair growth first on the moustache and goatee areas or growth on the cheeks and neck.
During this stage two types of hair will develop. There is one darker, coarser hair where your beard mainly consists of, and lighter hair called vellus hair. When you are young, you’ll produce more vellus hair which is not bad because this later grows into dark hair. If you are new to growing beard hairs, you might suffer from itching around the beard. It is important if you want to grow a healthy beard not to shave off your hair because of this itchy feeling. In this stage you can use a derma roller for beard growth to enhance beard growth.
Stage 2: Growth phase of the beard
After the first week the real men beard growth starts. Between six and eight weeks you at least will notice where your facial hair growth is concentrated. This phase can be awkward because your hair does not always grow in nice and even patterns. There may be places where your beard has thick hair and places where you have almost no hair growth or only light hair. This is called a patchy beard and there are many reasons for this, including: genetics, hormonal imbalances, poor nutrition, and stress. In this phase it is useful to make use of beard supplements such as a beard serum, beard roller, and the best beard growth kit, because these products are beard growth stimulators that help to develop thicker beard hair in a healthy way.
You should not compare your beard with someone else's. Because your facial hair proportions are different, your beard hair is different, your beard's growth rate is different, and your beards colour is different. Make sure you don't trim your beard in this stage of men beard growth. This will only slow down the beard growth process. Furthermore, it is good to keep your beard clean and wash it every few days in combination with beard supplements.
Stage 3: After a month and a half, you develop a beard
Beard growth by week seven/eight, you usually have grown a fuller beard. Of course, some men will grow more facial hair than others. But there is no reason to turn back at this point, even if your beard hasn’t reached its full potential. You might still have a patchy beard or grey hairs, but these grey hairs can give make you look older and as some people might say wiser. And it is always possible to use beard supplements and anti-grey supplements to stimulate beard growth and get rid of the grey hairs.
If you have grown a big moustache which drives you crazy because hairs keep creeping into your mouth, we advise you to trim your moustache and make sure it makes you feel comfortable. The rest of your beard does not need trimming, but it needs grooming and a beard growth stimulator. During this stage you need to keep washing and conditioning your beard, including regular application of beard growth serum and a beard roller. Regularly moisturizing your beard also helps keep beard ruff away.
The active hair growth complex Neoxyl® and ingredient Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 stimulate small vellus hairs within the beard line to develop. The inactive hair follicles in the beard are also stimulated to grow.
Stage 4: Four to six months of growing a beard
At 20 weeks of beard growth, you might have developed yourself a routine of washing your beard. Using a beard serum or beard oil and using a beard roller. At this point, however, your beard needs more control and care than ever, not only by the best supplements for beard growth. In many ways your beard takes a life of its own, with stray hairs popping up and some hair pointing one way while the rest of the beard points another. At this stage, it is useful to style rather than to trim your beard to make it look smoothly.
In addition to a beard growth kit or the best supplements for beard growth, you can use a beard roller to keep your beard manageable and distribute oils or serum to your skin to keep activating hair follicles. Don’t use a hairdryer to style your beard, it can cause hair strands to become dry and brittle.
Stage 5: Six to nine months your beard in full force
After 30 weeks of beard growth, your beard starts to come to a standstill. Dandruff of the beard is something that often appears in this stage, so it is important to moisturize your beard thoroughly. When you want to trim your beard, this is the stage you should do it. Make sure you start using beard supplements and might want to consider using a beard growth kit that at least contains a beard roller and beard growth serum to help new hairs grow.
When does facial hair start growing?
Most people start to have facial hair growing on the age of 13 to 16 years old. It often starts to grow on the upper lip, sideburns and chin. Hairs appear last in the neck area.
At what age beard fully grows?
While it takes over six to nine months to grow a full beard it typically is possible to grow a beard when men reach the age of 18. It doesn’t matter if it is earlier or later for you because for many men it doesn't happen until the age of 30, which depends on your genes.
Does shaving stimulate beard growth?
No! Shaving is not a beard growth stimulator at all. It does not change the rate of growth it can only make it look like you have thicker beard hair, because it gives the hairs a blunt tip. The tip might feel stubbly, and the hair perhaps might become more noticeable because of darker and thicker hair near the hair follicle.
What causes shaving irritation?
The hairs you can see on your skin, are not everything that is happening when you grow beard hair. Underneath your skin happens way more. There is a complex biology below the surface of the skin, which plays a role in shaving. For instance, every hair follicle is wrapped in nerves. That can be triggered when you cut one of your hairs. It can lead to signs of skin irritation
How to know if you can grow a beard?
Unfortunately, not every man and woman can grow a beard. In women, this is because they have less male hormone in their bodies and are less sensitive to DHT. In addition, not every man can grow a beard. This is due to genetic factors. In some cases, men choose to have a beard transplant, but this is expensive and a surgical procedure, which is why we advise not to do it. Instead of a beard transplant, it is first good to find out what is preventing you from growing beard hair, this can be by not getting the best vitamins for beard growth in every day or lack of another beard growth stimulator. After you have found out the causes of not growing a beard, you can decide what beard supplements you want to use to grow more facial hair on the beard line.
Beard growth after 30
If you have no visible hair growth at the beard line in your thirties, this may be because you have little predisposition to it. However, some European descent men only grow beard hair in their 40s or later. Therefore, it is important to keep stimulating beard growth and to stay healthy by taking the best vitamins for beard growth.
How to recognize beard growth?
You can recognise men beard growth by hairs around the jawline, chin, cheeks, and moustache. This often starts to show up around puberty and in some people even earlier. In the beginning of beard growth, stubble or patchy beard growth is visible. This is when your face still has a mostly smooth texture, but you might start to see some hair growing in above the lip, on the sideburns or along your jawline.
What is late beard growth?
Late natural beard growth is basically something that does not exist. Everyone has their own genes, and the beard grows at their own pace. If you are less inclined to grow a beard, you can always stimulate your beard by using the best beard growth kit with effective beard supplements.
Factors that affect beard growth
There are several factors that influence beard growth. Among them are a lack of food intake, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal changes, age, ethnicity, and genetics.
What causes poor beard growth?
There are six causes that can cause poor beard growth:
- When your family doesn't have the genetics for growing a beard it is likely that you will also experience it.
- Your age can play a huge factor in the growth of your beard. If you are young, you are less likely to have a full beard.
- Your race can have an impact in how thick your beard will be.
- Alopecia areata can cause hair to fall out around the beard line.
- Lowmale hormonelevels can cause a variety of symptoms including poor beard growth.
- A lack of healthy vitamins and minerals can cause beard hairs to fall out. To solve this problem, you can take in the best vitamins for beard growth.
The thickness of your beard is primarily determined by your genetics. If your relatives have a lot of hair growth around the beard area, chances are you will have too. Beard growth based on genetics is due to androgens. Androgens are a group of hormones that causes a low voice and facial hair growth. An enzyme in your body called 5-alpha reductase converts the androgen hormone male hormone into another hormone called DHT. Hair on the scalp, however, grows without androgens. DHT beard growth is important for the development of thicker beard hair. Lower levels or lower sensitivity of DHT can lead to less beard growth.
Age plays a factor in experiencing facial hair coverage. People often grow a beard between the ages of 18 and 30, but this depends on personal factors. When you experience poor beard growth in your twenties, it is likely that your beard will get thicker over time.
Your ethnicity may play a role in your beard growth. People from Mediterranean countries tend to be able to grow thick beards compared to people from other regions. Mediterranean countries are countries around the Mediterranean Sea such as Morocco, Egypt, Libya, and Spain. There have even been studies showing that Chinese men can grow less facial hair than Caucasian men. Chinese people have more hair growth around the mouth and Caucasian people on the cheeks, neck, and chin. Caucasian people are the original inhabitants of Europe, North Africa, the horn of Africa, Southwest Asia
Alopecia areata
Poor beard growth can also come from alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune condition in which your body attacks the hair follicles. It can cause hair loss in patches on your scalp and beard. There is no proven fully effective treatment for this condition yet. However, Neofollics has developed a treatment that helps reduce the symptoms of Alopecia areata. Alopecia areata on the beard is in other words called alopecia barbae.
Low male hormone levels
Low levels of male hormone in a man are bad for your beard condition. Men with extremely low levels of male hormone have almost no facial hair. Male hormone can be increased in various ways, such as eating healthy foods like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. In addition, vitamin B and healthy sleep are very important for increasing male hormone levels.
Male hormone deficiency can also lead to reduced muscle growth, fatigue, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, mood changes and low sex drive.
What stimulates beard growth?
A beard growth stimulator can be a derma roller that helps to maintain a good blood circulation to absorb the best vitamins for beard growth. You can keep the beard follicles healthy by using a beard growth kit with beard supplements that help to enhance beard growth.
Methods you can use to grow a beard
There are several things that can stimulate beard growth. These can be natural things like following a tight diet and sleeping well, but also things that actively stimulate the hair follicles like a beard roller, serum, or oil. Below, we explain some natural methods to stimulate your beard growth.
- A healthy diet, with the best vitamins for beard growth is important for developing and containing a beard. By a healthy diet we mean good nutrition that makes not only your beard but your whole body stronger. The body mass index is a method that allows you to determine whether you have a healthy weight. This can impact beard growth because obesity can lower male hormone levels in your body.
- Vitamin D is a vitamin that promotes beard growth by balancing hormones and triggering male hormone production. Nutrients can also be beneficial for your male hormone levels. Nutrients you can include in your diet are lean protein (chicken & salmon), iron (liver), carbohydrates (whole grains), zinc (nuts & beans), healthy fats (avocado) and fruits and vegetables.
- Be patient whether how fast your facial hair grows because this is genetically determined. On average, a full beard will grow after a few weeks or months of good beard care. You can always use methods and products that help stimulate beard growth but will have to accept that your beard will grow differently from someone else's.
- Reducing stress is good for facial hair growth. Stress, in fact, has a major impact on beard growth. It increases the production of cortisol in your body, crashing your hormone levels and hindering the healthy growth of your beard. Stress also limits the flow of vitamins and other nutrients to your hair follicles and reduces the growth of your beard.
- More and longer sleep makes your body relaxed. This allows the body to function calmly and keep male hormone levels under control. Sleeping is also not stressful, which helps with controlling your stress levels.
- Smoking affects the body's blood circulation and thus reduces the capillary blood supply to the hair root. As a result, the cells are denied the optimal conditions for beard growth. For better and faster beard growth, you should therefore quit smoking and stimulate your blood circulation with a beard roller.
- With our knowledge of hair growth we have developed a special line of products for more beard growth. The Neofollics Beard Growth Serum in combination with the Neofollics Beard Growth Roller and the Neofollics Tablets will create the optimal conditions for your beard to grow. The hair follicles will be stimulated from the inside as well as from the outside. The Neofollics Beard serum contains scientifically proven ingredients to stimulate your beard growth. Hair growth molecules such as Adenosine and Vividine combined with six powerful plant extracts such as Ecklonia Cava and Raspberry Ketone. Moreover, the Serum also contains peptides who will help the blood flow through the skin making it possible for more nutrients to reach the hair follicles in the beard area.
DHT beard growth
DHT has different effects on hair on the scalp and facial hair. On your scalp, DHT makes the hair follicles less able to produce hair, so there is less hair growth, whereas on the beard, DHT supports beard growth.
What is DHT?
DHT is a sex hormone that is a derivative of male hormone. Excessive amounts of this hormone can affect the hair follicles on the scalp. DHT disrupts the hair's growth cycle, causing it to shrink and shorten, fall out more easily and grow back more difficultly.
Does DHT cause beard growth?
On the other side, DHT does support beard growth. This is because beards need DHT to develop and reach their full potential. In most cases, lower levels, or sensitivity to DHT leads to less beard growth. Men with higher levels of male hormone and DHT have significantly more facial hair than men with lower levels
Relationship between high male hormone and beard growth
Higher levels of male hormone and DHT will typically have significantly more facial hair than lower levels. When your body is sensitive for DHT there is a big chance, you will grow a beard earlier than someone else.
Common beard problems
When you are growing a beard, several problems can occur. These include beard acne, dandruff, itching, dry skin, ingrown hairs, and patchy beard hair loss.
- A patchy beard is uneven hair growth on your beard line. This is usually due to your genes. But there is also a chance that it is due to imbalanced diet, varying levels of hormones and stress. A few solutions for patchy beard growth are using a strong oil or serum and alternating beard styles to suit your personal beard growth.
- Beard acne happens because when you grow a beard, your beard hairs trap oil from your skin, dead skin cells and bacteria next to your skin. Without proper skin care, these can clog your pores and cause acne. Therefore, we recommend that you take good and careful care of your skin and beard.
- This can be done by washing your face and beard twice a day with a gentle facial cleanser that contains acne-fighting salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Other soaps and shampoos can cause more irritation, so you should be careful with these.
- Dandruff in beard is often caused by seborrheic dermatitis. Flakes in your beard may make you think you have poor hygiene. While dandruff grows due to a yeast called Malassezia. Your body reaction causes red skin that becomes scaly and flaky.
- There are a few things you can do to combat beard dandruff. The most effective you can do are using a beard dandruff shampoo with ingredients like zinc and selenium sulphide. Also, gently brush your beard every day before you wash your face.
- Alopecia areata of the beard is an autoimmune condition that results in annular, non-scarring hair loss. Alopecia areata in the beard can be treated with topical immunotherapy. You can recognize alopecia areata through bald spots.
- A dry beard can be reduced by regular bathing and showering. Washing your beard with warm water and beard care products will keep your beard naturally oily.
- Ingrown hairs occur when short, curly hairs grow back into the skin instead of growing out. For many people, this happens during shaving, which is why ingrown hairs are also known as razor bumps. You can also get these pimple-like, itchy bumps during the stubble phase of beard growth or when trimming a beard.
To get rid of ingrown hairs and prevent them from coming back, we recommend that you stop trimming your beard the way you are doing now.
Three tips we can give you are:
1. Shave at the end of your shower or immediately afterward. To soften the hairs and make it less likely to curl back in the skin
2. Shave in the direction that your hairs grow.
3. Rinse your beard clean and careful.
Itching of the beard
Many people with a beard experience itching on the beard. This can be due to many causes such as poor hygiene, dry skin, ingrown hairs, acne, and excessive care of the beard with soap and other products that can irritate the skin. Sometimes, beard itching can even be a sign of a much deeper issue, such as a fungal or bacterial infection.
You can combat this beard itch by making sure your beard is properly cleaned. This will ensure better hygiene. Secondly, using a daily oil or serum is helpful to keep the skin moisturised. Brushing your beard with this can help create a smooth texture that massages the hair follicles. Finally, it is important to live a healthy life, because good hydration and a healthy diet with the best vitamins for beard growth are essential. Because they are rich in vitamin D, biotin and healthy fats that promote and enhance the health of the beard.
Beard growth products
There are several best supplements for beard growth that are good for your beard hair growth and help you grow a healthy, full, and strong beard.
Tablets / supplements / vitamins
The Neofollics Hair Growth Supporting Tablets are full of the best vitamins for beard growth, which support healthy beard growth. The effective combination of natural ingredients provides your beard follicles with necessary nutrition to produce healthy hair. The Neofollics tablets contain important ingredients that support the condition of your hair by effective ingredients such as Beta-Sitosterol, Saw Palmetto, Biotin, Red Clover and Isoflavones. All the ingredients are based on scientific research and have an impact on the health of your hair condition. In short ‘The Neofollics Tablets’ are suitable for every man and woman (18+) who effectively want to improve and stimulate the condition of their hair.
Neofollics Beard Growth Serum is a beard growth serum that promotes natural beard growth. With 10 active beard growth stimulating ingredients, giving the non-activated beard follicles an extra stimulus to grow. The beard growth serum soothes the skin and activates the beard follicles. The serum is suitable for every man (18+) that want to improve his beard condition and stimulate beard growth. You can use this serum even more effectively with the enhancing roller of Neofollics.
The beard serum has the following characteristics:
- Stimulate beard growth
- Activates new beard hairs
- Makes the beard fuller
- Supplies necessary nutrients
- Improves skin condition
Derma Roller
A derma roller can stimulate the blood circulation and activate the beard follicles. The Neofollics Derma Roller for beard is the most advanced derma roller for beard on the market. Due to its 540 microscopic needles of 0,5 mm, which penetrate the skin painlessly. The derma roller for beard creates microscopic holes in the skin at the beard line. This way the Neofollics Beard Growth Serum is absorbed better in the skin. The small holes in the skin ensure the natural healing process of the skin. The Neofollics Beard Roller is suitable for every man (18+) that wants to stimulate their beard growth, activate new beard hairs, have a fuller beard, and improve the condition of their skin
The beard growth kit
The Neofollics beard growth kit consists out of the most advanced serum in combination with the beard growth enhancing derma roller. It is cheaper than getting the two separately and ensures optimal beard growth through a serum and derma roller.
The full beard growth treatment
If you want to grow a healthy and full beard you can buy the Neofollics Treatment for Beard Growth. This treatment consists out of Hair Growth Supporting Tablets, the most advanced beard growth Serum on the market and the Derma Roller for beard growth. In this way you can be sure of a good and effective approach to your beard condition and natural beard growth.
Clinical & Dermatological studies
At Neofollics we are constantly looking for the best solution for every hair problem. Without compromising on ease of use and side effects. That is why we always use the latest scientific insights and our ingredients are clinically & dermatologically tested. In this way you can be sure that you are using the most effective and safest products for stimulating beard growth.