How do You reduce of Seborrheic Dermatitis?

How do You reduce of Seborrheic Dermatitis?

How do You reduce of Seborrheic Dermatitis?

In this article you will read about how to get rid of Seborrheic dermatitis. Furthermore, the causes of seborrheic dermatitis are explained and we guide you in your journey to prevent and reduce or relieve of eczema's on the scalp.

Neofollics scalp therapy line

What is and how develops Seborrheic dermatitis itself

Seborrheic dermatitis (Seborrheic eczema) is a condition of the skin than mainly attacks the scalp.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Redenned skin
  • Scaly and greasy paches
  • Stubborn dandruff

It can also develop itself on the buttocks, where it can be mistaken for diaper rash, a form of contact dermatitis. On places where your skin is oilier there is a higher chance to develop reddened skin and patches.

The redness, swelling and greasy patches can possibly extend to the sides of the nose, in and out the eyebrows, on the mid-chest, in the armpits, upper back and in the groin area. In this article we focus on dermatitis on the scalp. And how to treat it with the Neofollics treatment.

The eczema can go away with a good treatment, but it is always possible that the symptoms return later. That is why it is important to treat it the right way to make the chance as slight as possible that it will return or extend to other parts of your body.

What causes Seborrheic dermatitis?

Seborrheic Dermatitis is most common between the ages 30 and 60, but it is possible to also occur in younger and older people. About 3 to 10 out of 100 people are affected and it is more common among men than women. The most likely cause of Seborrheic eczema is an inflammatory reaction to excess Malassezia yeast, which is an organism that lives on the skin’s surface. The Malassezia overgrows and your immune system overreacts to it. The overreaction of your immune system leads to an inflammatory response that results in skin changes.

Arising Eczema

In the image above eczema arises:

  1. Hyperprofilation is being caused by Malassezia fungi.
  2. Micro-inflammations develop on the scalp.
  3. Visible loose flakes are formed on your scalp.

Even though expert don’t know exactly what can cause Seborrheic eczema it is highly likely; stress, your genes, medicines and cold and dry weather are playing a factor. At least, it doesn’t come from an allergic reaction or from being unclean, which you might think.

The following conditions can also lead to eczema around the scalp area and around the hairline: Parkinson, epilepsy or other traumatic brain/ spine injuries, HIV, recovering from a heart attack/ heart stroke, alcoholism, Hepatitis C virus, Psoriasis, down syndrome, zinc deficiency and certain psychiatric diseases like depression or eating disorder.

How you can prevent and get rid of seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp?

The best treatment for Seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp is to prevent and control the stimulants. The most common and effective treatment is to use hair products, which stimulate hair growth, healthy hair and a better scalp.

A lot of shampoos are specifically developed for this eczema. The formulated shampoos of Neofollics not only help remove flakes from the skin but also prevent the flaky scalp from returning

The scalp products; exfoliating shampoo and nourishing mask are products that are effective against Seborrheic eczema and other conditions of the scalp.

Does the weather have an impact on seborrheic dermatitis

Dry air in the winter, can make your scalp condition worse. Just as the dry air from the winter strips moisture from our face, arms, hands, and legs, like eczema, it strips moisture from our scalp as well. Which makes it more vulnerable.

Seborrheic dermatitis behaves better in the sun. The UV of the sun has been shown to kill the type of yeast that overgrows on the skin of people who have seborrheic dermatitis. But you should be aware that the sun has other health effects on your skin, and you can get sunburns. That is why we advise you to treat the seborrheic dermatitis with our products.

The perfect (vegan) treatment against seborrheic dermatitis.

The Scalp Therapy line of Neofollics is realized to relieve all your scalp concerns. The exfoliating shampoo, the peeling serum, and nourishing mask help strongly against conditions such as dandruff, hair loss, and seborrheic eczema. The therapy line suits you perfectly if you want to have a clear and healthy scalp, free from itching or flakes. It is the most effective non-pharmaceutical treatment to relieve scalp conditions. The product works in the following ways:
1. The product exfoliates the scalp and removes sebum buildup
2. Reduction of dandruff and flaking
3. Balancing (reduction) of microbial activity
4. Preventing itching and irritation
5. Decreasing inflammation and redness
6. Nourishment of the scalp.

The ingredients of the scalp line are natural and vegan and the concentration of anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory is three times more than shampoos that use Ketoconazole. In an efficacy study of 90 people with mild to severe scalp conditions. The results were positive, 92% of the users experienced an overall improvement, 88% improvement in hydration, and 90% experienced less dandruff and flakes. 93% has seen a reduction in itching and irritation of the scalp in 28 days.

These results show the effectiveness of your scalp condition. That is why we advise you to combat against your Seborrheic eczema with our products.

The difference between psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis

Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis might have some of the same symptoms. But there is a difference, which we explain below!

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects up to 4% of the population. The scales due to psoriasis are thick and the edges are well-defined. On the scalp, the scales are more silvery colored than white or yellow.

Seborrheic dermatitis has more yellow and white looking-like flakes. It is smaller scales than the scales due to psoriasis. There is also a condition called sebopsoriasis, which is literally a condition of the two conditions overlapping. The flakes are both, yellow and silver and they are itchy.

When to inform a dermatologist?

If the eczema spreads to more parts of your body than in the worst-case scenario you should inform a dermatologist who can prescribe you a drug against fungal infections like azelaic acid, metronidazole, and ketoconazole, this drug acts directly to the Malassezia yeast. But there could be side effects like severe burning, itching, tingling, stinging, or warmth.

Does seborrheic dermatitis cause hair loss?

The short answer is no!

But unfortunately, it causes your scalp to itch, so people might rub or scratch on their hair. This can destroy the hair follicles and cause hair loss.

How Can I Regrow My Hair?

When you are experiencing hair loss and itching on the scalp, it does not have to be caused by seborrheic dermatitis. Other conditions can also play a factor such as alopecia androgenetica or areata. Below you can find products that help stimulate hair growth and can help you grow your hair back.

Hair Growth Enhancing Scalp Roller

  • Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo; this shampoo helps against hair loss, thinning hair, cove formation, a rising hairline, and alopecia. This shampoo stimulates hair growth and healthy hair. In combination with the shampoo scalp roller, your scalp health will improve overall.
  • Hair Growth Stimulating Conditioner; this is the most effective hair conditioner to promote healthy hair growth. It works with 10 hair growth-stimulating ingredients. This conditioner is nourishing for the hair. Furthermore, it soothes the scalp, is effective against dandruff, and stimulates healthy hair growth.
  • Hair Growth Enhancing Scalp Roller; the scalp roller exfoliates to remove impurities and sebum buildups. If you use the scalp roller your scalp health improves and the blood circulation gets a boost. We recommend you to use the scalp roller in combination with shampoo or conditioner.
  • Scalp Therapy Exfoliating Shampoo; the scalp therapy exfoliating shampoo is by far the most effective non-pharmaceutical product against Seberroic ezema and dandruff. Clinical studies show that 95% of the users are satisfied with their results and 90% recommends it for you to use.