Receding Hairline

Receding Hairline

Receding Hairline

A receding hairline develops normally while aging. A receding hairline at 20 is therefore not very common. However, it is possible that a man or woman does experience this. In men a receding hairline is more likely while women more often experience thinning hair.

This article covers the following subjects about a receding hairline:

  • Receding hairline stages
  • Receding hairline at 20
  • Receding hairline one side
  • Widow’s peak vs receding hairline
  • Receding hairline men
  • Receding hairline women
  • Can you reverse a receding hairline?
  • Receding hairline treatment

Receding Hairline Treatment

View our treatment for a receding hairline

Receding hairline stages

There are several different scales to track a receding hairline among men and a receding hairline among women. The most used is the Norwood scale, in which all the receding hairline stages are outlined. This scale has seven receding hairline stages which we briefly explain. The Norwood scale is designed for receding hairline men.

Stage 1: The first stage of the seven receding hairline stages shows a couple signs of a receding hairline. You still have a head full of hair but there are things you can do to maintain healthy hair and slow down hair loss. For example, a receding hairline treatment with a shampoo and conditioner that are effective against hair loss and can stop receding hairline.

Stage 2: The second stage of the seven receding hairline stages shows slightly noticeable hair loss. This is often at the temples of the head. In this stage you can take nutrients and vitamins to support and maintain healthy hair.

Stage 3: The third stage of the seven receding hairline stages you may start to notice the shape of the letter ‘M’ on your scalp. The M-shaped hairline can appear also with small bald spots on the crown or back of the head.

Stage 4: The fourth stage of the seven receding hair line stages, is the stage in which you have experienced considerable hairline recession. The receding hairline likely receded even further, and you should use a receding hairline treatment to stop the receding hairline.

Stage 5: The fifth stage of the seven receding hair line stages is even more drastic than stage 4. The bald spots and receding hairline are becoming closer to each other. To prevent hair transplantation to stop receding hairline you can still use the receding hairline treatment.

Stage 6: The sixth stage of the seven receding hair line stages is when the receding hairline merges with bald spots. A receding hairline oneside may appear. Using a receding hairline treatment can help to get your hair back in a healthier stage like 5 or 4 and stimulate new hairs to grow.

Stage 7: The last stage of the seven receding hair line stages is the stage of male pattern baldness. A small strip of hair is visible at the head. You can accept your hair loss or still combat against it with the tips above. A receding hairline treatment may not cause you to get your hair back within a few months, but it can stimulate new hairs to grow.

Receding hairline at 20

A receding hairline at 20 years old can cause an uncertain and unpleasant feeling. We understand these feeling but should also explain that it is not unusual to suffer from a receding hairline at 20. It happens more often in both men and women that a V-shaped hairline or M-shaped hairline in combination with bald spots and thinning is visible. According to a study 16% of men between 18 and 29 years old has experienced moderate to severe hair loss.

The causes of a receding hairline at 20 can be family history & genetics, stress, lack of vitamins and an autoimmune disorder. Once you know what is causing your receding hairline at 20. Then you can do something about it.

  • Family history & genetics: when you have a bald family member you may be more likely to experience hair loss. You can treat this form of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia.
  • Stress: is nowadays normal. Many people with a receding hairline at 20 experience a lot of pressure, what can lead to hair loss due to telogen effluvium.
  • Lack of vitamins: low levels in biotin, iron, zinc, and vitamin A can cause hair loss. You can try these tablets with healthy hair vitamins to support hair growth and combat a receding hairline at 20.
  • Autoimmune disorder: alopecia areata can attack your immune system and hair follicles. There is no treatment for this disorder, but you can combat some symptoms like hair loss.

Receding hairline one side

A receding hairline one side is an uneven hairline. This can be very mild with small differences but noticeable. But a receding hairline one side can also appear more visible for other people when one side of the receding hairline looks taller and more receded than the other. The likely cause of receding hairline one side are genetics, because genetics play a huge factor in hair loss and a receding hairline. For example, widow’s peak is believed to be passed from the parents to the child. Widow’s peak hairline is a V-shaped hairline that differs from a receding hairline which often takes an M-shaped hairline.

Widow’s peak vs receding hairline

The big difference between widow’s peak vs receding hairline is that a widow’s peak takes a V-shaped hairline at the forehead. Sometimes this is just a little protrusion in a straight hairline, but it could also be a well see able V-shaped hairline at the forehead with the hair retreating back towards the temples. A widow’s peak can be developed in later life as a sign of baldness in both men and women. When you have a widow’s peak hairline it doesn’t necessary mean that you need to worry about thinning hair, because you can be born with one.

In a receding hairline men can suffer from a M-shaped hairline which can start any time after puberty. This means that you can suffer from a receding hairline at 20. Here’s how a M-shaped hairline happens. Typically, people shed 50 to 100 hairs every day. These hairs are normally replaced with new growth of hairs. However, this does not always go as planned if the hairs start falling off in the exogen phase of hair growth.

Receding hairline men

In a receding hairline men can start seeing them at the end of puberty or in their late 30s. A receding hairline at 20 is something normal and nothing you need to worry about if you are using a receding hairline treatment to stop your bad hairline. In a receding hairline men start to first see hair loss around the temples. Then a receding hairline oneside can appear and the receding hairline moves back across the top of the head. This often lead a ring of hair around the top of a bare scalp and many people call this a bad hairline. A V-shaped hairline called Widow’s peak can appear, but this is not necessary. Another form that your hair can take is a M-shaped hairline your hair has than only little spare hairs and it is possibly better to shave it off short-term before using a receding hairline treatment.

Receding hairline women

The most common causes of a receding hairline in women are genetics, stress, pregnancy, and health conditions. In a receding hairline women are less vulnerable for a receding hairline by genetics than men. But still there is a chance that around the menopause hormonal changes can contribute to this form of hair loss. Stress increases the chance of temporary hair loss and can result in bald patches. Also, pregnancy is a phase in which hormonal changes take place. The body changes during birth and hormone levels constantly fluctuate. After pregnancy more hairs can fall off than during pregnancy due to this hormonal changes. Health conditions as frontal fibrosing alopecia can also play a part in losing hair in women.

Can you reverse a receding hairline?

So, can you reverse a receding hairline? Is a question that gets asked Neofollics a lot. The answer is yes, in many cases a receding hairline whether it is a M-shaped hairline or V-shaped hairline is reversable.

A few oils that can help to naturally fix a receding hairline are:

  • Rosemary oil is a nourisher of the scalp and hair, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is a mild hair growth stimulator
  • Lavender oil is known to be effective for the recovery of fatigue, relaxation of stress, growth of cells, reproduction of skin and alopecia areata.
  • Jojoba oil is known to nourish the scalp and hair, it has soothing effect on the scalp and regulates excess sebum production
  • Peppermint oil nourishes the scalp and acts as a mild hair growth stimulator

Receding hairline treatment

When you suffer from hair loss this can have many causes and there are many treatments to treat them. If you are not certain that you suffer from a receding hairline it is possible to dive further into all forms of hair loss and the treatments for it.

For hair loss due to genetics in men and women, a treatment for androgenic alopecia is the best way to treat this and tackle patchy baldness. The treatment consists out of a hair growth stimulating shampoo, healthy tablets, smooth lotion, and a scalp roller. This treatment is rich of vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for your body and skin. It is a treatment rich to Biotin, copper peptide complex, iron, protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

Stop a receding hairline

When your receding hairline is likely caused by stress or an autoimmune disease. The only way to stop the receding hairline is to use the most advanced stop receding hairline treatment. This treatment exists out of

The first component of the best receding hairline treatment is a gentle shampoo against a bad hairline by hair loss can nourish your scalp and hair. It protects the scalp against dandruff and lays the foundation for a healthy hairline. In combination, you can use a conditioner after the shampoo for the best results.

The second component of the best receding hairline treatment are healthy tablets that can provide your hair with necessary nutrition to produce healthy hair. Ingredients with this effect are Panex Ginseng, Saw Palmetto and Isoflavones.

  • Panex Ginseng promotes hair growth through inhibition of transition related TGF- β signalling pathways.
  • Saw Palmetto is a berry plant that may help with hair growth
  • Isoflavones might increase the IGF-I production in hair follicles in the skin, thereby promoting hair growth.

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When you want to read more about other ingredients in these healthy tablets go to this page.

The last component of the best receding hairline treatment is the Neofollics lotion with 7% Neoxyl®. Neoxyl® is a minoxidil-alternative that is 41% more effective on the growth of dermal papilla cells. And does not have the unpleasant side effects that minoxidil has. When you want to read more about Neoxyl® vs Minoxidil you should consult this page.