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All of a sudden, your hair starts falling of in specific places, may come as a shock to you. Often this is the result of alopecia areata. Within a few weeks, you might notice that hairs in one side of the head may appear thinner. This can be very frustrating which is why in this article we will help you to explain what alopecia areata is and how you can stop it. The following subjects will be explained:
The meaning of alopecia is ‘baldness’, but there are many different forms of baldness. Also, the process of hair loss is different for everyone. Some people experience sudden hair loss and bald patches on the scalp, while others might experience overall thinning it differs for everyone.
Alopecia areata is a form of hair loss that is a condition in which the immune system attacks hair follicles. Hair follicles are the structures in skin that form hair. While hair can be lost from any part of the body, usually alopecia areata mostly affects the scalp and face.
In alopecia areata the body’s defences get disrupted what turns the immune system against its own body in the hair roots for example. The autoimmune response causes inflammation of the hair roots leaving only weak, brittle hairs to grow. Eventually no hairs will grow from the hair roots at all.
Alopecia areata, means in Latin patchy baldness. It has been found that patients with this condition are relatively more likely to suffer from diseases that are associated with disorders in the immune system. This could be thyroid diseases, vitiligo (white patches on the skin), or certain types of anaemia.
A few alopecia symptoms to recognize what type of alopecia you might suffer from can be patchy hair loss, overall thinning, and the complete loss of hair on the scalp. The most common alopecia types and symptoms you can find below:
The course of alopecia areata is very unpredictable. In most cases, a recovery of hair growth occurs spontaneously within a few months to years. The hairs that come back are sometimes white, but the normal colour returns over time. In some cases, complete healing does not occur. It is also possible that the hair restores itself in some places but that the bald spots can reappear at any moment. To treat alopecia areata you can use a treatment that consists out of effective products that try to stop your hair loss and to stimulate hair growth.
In men, androgenetic alopecia starts at the temples and on the crown and usually continues until only an edge of hair remains on the back of the head. In women, androgenetic alopecia is usually manifested by a thinner hair implant, often dominant on the midline of the head.
Androgenetic alopecia is not a disease or condition but is considered an aging phenomenon and is largely hereditary. This does not alter the fact that it is experienced as a condition, especially for (young) women whose baldness is clearly visible. This can also be very stressful for men whose baldness starts at a young age and has a major impact on the quality of life. Which is why a good treatment can help by reducing the effects of this type of hair loss.
The cause of Alopecia Totalis is unknown yet. However it is an autoimmune response in which the immune system turns against the hair follicle. About 1 in 250,000 people suffer from this variant and symptoms of alopecia.
Like most autoimmune diseases, the reason what causes alopecia areata is not scientifically fully understood. However, studies and studies and specialists associate this form of hair loss with the following factors:
The possible alopecia causes can also affect beard growth or the eyelashes. The hair loss over your scalp, face and beard can come suddenly within days or weeks. You may also experience itching or burning in the affected area before hair loss. Even minor changes in your fingernails and toenails can indicate Alopecia Areata as it is one of the symptoms of alopecia areata.
Other clinical signs are the loss of pigment in the hair (greying hair) around the affected area, and short hairs that narrow at the bottom and grow in or around the edges of bald patches.
Alopecia in women is often due to alopecia areata or female pattern baldness. Alopecia areata in women appears equally as alopecia areata in men. There are no big differences between the two however, men may be more likely to see facial hair loss, such as patchy beard growth.
Children can also develop Alopecia Areata, and most people experience this type of hair loss before the age of 30. While the condition is often related to a person’s lineage or genetics, parents with this condition don’t always pass it on to their children. This differs from person to person, which makes it difficult to see what effect the potential causes of alopecia areata have based on genetics.
Fortunately, the hair follicles that are being attacked by your immune system often retain their ability to regrow hair, which makes the hair loss not permanent in most cases. So, if you are wondering “is alopecia curable?” the answer is yes, if you keep treating your hair and body the way you need to treat it there is a high chance female alopecia and male alopecia is treatable.
So, alopecia areata is possibly curable in many cases by having a healthy lifestyle and using an alopecia treatment. Unfortunately, this does not work for everyone. This is because the condition is unpredictable, and much research is still needed before it can be fully understood.
Some people experience Alopecia Areata only once in their lifetime, while others experience hair loss multiple times for weeks, months, years, or even decades after it first appeared, which makes many things about this condition unknown. While there is not much you can do to eliminate the cause of Alopecia Areata, there are ways to deal with it as best you can and promote recovery.
An interesting case study brought the following results along:
One of the trichologists who works with Neofollics has a lot of experience with hair problems such as Alopecia Areata and he gave a woman with a severe degree of alopecia areata a prescribed treatment based on scientifically effective ingredients and dermatologists-recommended products. From the first moment of use to up to several weeks, she saw improvement in the condition of her scalp because she received an essential number of vitamins and minerals for healthy hair growth.
In 12 months, her hair situation improved significantly, which is why Neofollics now has a treatment for alopecia areata for their customers. To help them in their combat against hair loss as much as possible and to tackle alopecia areata from the outside and from the inside to promote recovery as effectively as you can.
To stop alopecia from spreading you can take a diet for alopecia areata, or you can take supplements that help to provide you with healthy nutrients and vitamins for your hair and scalp. Trying to avoid unnecessary hair or scalp trauma by not wearing tight hairstyles helps against hair loss, but will not stop alopecia areata.
Alopecia areata is caused by an autoimmune response and a condition that is not easily curable. The condition causes circular bald patches on the scalp and sometimes around other body parts, such as the legs, arms, or legs. The best way treating alopecia areata is by living healthy and using hair care products that can help you to stimulate hair growth.