Vitamins for Hair Growth and Thickness

Vitamins for Hair Growth and Thickness

Vitamins for Hair Growth and Thickness

If you are looking for the best way to promote hair growth and thickness, there are several vitamins that can help. Hair growth supporting vitamins are effective in stimulating sebum production and preventing hair loss. One of the best-known vitamins for hair growth is biotin, which is known for its ability to support healthy hair. The usage of vitamins for hair growth and thickness in hair growth products can stimulate hair growth and benefit the condition of your scalp.

In this article we explain which vitamins for hair growth are most effective and what products you can use. Neofollics recommends you use vitamin tablets for hair growth to improve your hair condition. The following topics will be explained:

  • What vitamins help your hair grow?
  • Does vitamin A help hair growth?
  • How does Vitamin B hair growth work?
  • How to use vitamin C for hair growth?
  • Is hair growth vitamin D effective?
  • What does vitamin E for hair growth do?

Neofollics hair growth supporting tablets

What vitamins help your hair grow?

There are many vitamins that can help promote hair growth and improve hair health. The best hair growth vitamins for men and women are Biotin and Vitamin C as well as other types of vitamins used in combination with nutrients and minerals that support hair growth. For example, Zinc is an important nutrient that can help in hair tissue growth and repair. Zinc also keeps oil glands around the hair follicles working properly and a deficiency could lead to hair loss. Studies also show that resolving zinc deficiency with supplementation may reduce deficiency-related hair loss. When you want to read more about nutrients that can support hair growth you could go to this article.

Does vitamin A help hair growth?

Vitamin A for hair growth is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in important functions of the body, including vision, immune function, and skin health. According to hair tech expert’s vitamin A is also an essential nutrient for healthy hair growth. This is why vitamin A deficiency can lead to hair loss while supplementation can promote hair growth.

Vitamin A is essential for the growth and maintenance of all body issues including the hair. It helps to produce sebum, which is an oily substance that moisturizes the scalp and keeps hair healthy. Vitamin A for hair growth is effective when consumed in moderation. Vegan vitamins for hair growth that contain vitamin A can be hair growth supplements but also carrots, milk, eggs, yogurt, spinach, sweet potatoes, and kale. Retinol, which is a form of vitamin A can also be found in hair care products to promote hair growth.


How does Vitamin B hair growth work?

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is an effective vitamin for hair growth. Low levels of biotin can cause hair loss, skin rashes and brittle hair. Biotin can be obtained from your body by consuming meat, eggs, whole grains, and other product. Biotin is most effective when used to treat a deficiency of vitamin B.

For healthy hair growth you can use products that contain biotin. One of the best products containing biotin for healthy hair growth are the Neofollics hair growth supporting tablets. These tablets contain active ingredients that support hair growth and combat hair loss. The tablets contain 1000 µg, which is equivalent to 1 milligram of biotin. This amount is considered safe according to medical studies.

In addition, folic acid for hair growth, also known as vitamin B9 can add volume to your hair and reduce premature greying. When combined with biotin for hair, zinc and other acids, the effect is increased and significantly improves the condition of your hair and hair loss. Folic acid for hair growth is therefore another important vitamin to consider when looking to promote healthy and beautiful hair.

Furthermore, vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles to prevent them from becoming weak and brittle, leading to hair breakage, hair loss and slower hair growth. In addition, B12 vitamin hair growth is not the only benefit, because B12 also helps to maintain the health of the nervous system, which is important for the proper functioning of the hair follicles.

How to use vitamin C for hair growth?

To answer the question ‘does vitamin C help hair growth’, the answer is yes. Vitamin C for hair growth can be a powerful antioxidant that helps against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. In addition, your body needs to create a protein called collagen that supports your hair structure. Hair growth vitamin C helps in creating collagen and absorbs iron a helpful mineral for hair growth support.

Normally, strawberries, peppers and citrus fruits contain vitamin C. But if you are not getting enough, you can also use supplements that contain vitamin C for hair growth. In addition, vitamin C can also break down and combat greying hair. Our anti grey hair tablets therefore contain 43.65 mg of hair growth vitamin C, which is a healthy amount.

Is hair growth vitamin D effective?

Hair growth vitamin D plays a role in the production of hair. Also, vitamin D and hair growth are linked to alopecia. This is because a deficiency of vitamin D for hair growth can lead to hair loss. Vitamin D is created in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight but can also be obtained in Vitamin D hair growth products such as foods can be fatty fish, mushrooms, fortified foods, and cod liver oil. Vitamin D is also important for the health of your bones and helps to absorb calcium more efficiently.

Dermatologists also found that people with prematurely greying hair often tend to have vitamin D deficiencies. That is why Neofollics uses vitamin D in their Anti Grey Hair Tablets, in combination with effective ingredients such as calcium, zinc, biotin, folic acid and other vitamins. Deficiencies in your food-pattern are thereby compensated and the tablets also help to combat against greying of the hair.

Vitamin D hair products often contain vitamin D3 which is involved in various signalling pathways in the hair follicle and has a direct and critical role in hair growth. Vitamin D3 hair growth has many potentials as a diet but also as supplement for improving overall hair condition.

What does vitamin E for hair growth do?

Vitamin E for hair growth is an essential nutrient that can help promote healthy and strong hair. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the scalp and hair from damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, Vitamin E also improves blood circulation to the scalp which improves hair growth.

Vitamin E hair growth benefits include the ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress on the scalp. These benefits reduce the chance of hair loss and hair damage. Vitamin E helps moisturizing the scalp and hair and prevents dryness and breakage.

To get the benefits of vitamin E for hair growth, it can be taken as a supplement or applied topically to the scalp and hair. Some food sources of vitamin E for hair growth include almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado, and spinach. Including these foods in your diet can help ensure that you're getting enough vitamin E to support healthy hair growth.

Which vitamin is good for hair growth fast

The best vitamins to grow hair are vitamin B7, vitamin D and vitamin C. The tablets below that contain these vitamin and nutrients are designed by Neofollics Hair Technology. These tablets feed the hair follicles with nutrients, minerals, and vitamin to make sure that your scalp has a solid foundation.

hair growth supporting tablets

Best solution: for your hair

Healthy Hair Stages

After taking anti-gray and hair growth tablets, you can expect the quality of your hair to improve. In the first month, you might notice less hair in your brush and shower drain because the follicles are receiving more support. Many companies claim that the entire hair and scalp will become healthy again in a few weeks but be aware that this is not always the case.

In the second month you are likely to feel and see a big difference in your hair condition. Your hair becomes fuller, and you might start feeling stronger hairs. By the third month of use, many people realize that their hair has become thicker and longer. To strengthen your hair condition even further you can try to use other healthy hair products such as a shampoo, conditioner, serum, or lotion. If you decide to do that than we recommend you using hair growth products without parabens, silicones, and sulphates because this only worsens your hair condition. .

Do biotin vitamins for hair growth also work on black hair?

Hair vitamins for black hair growth have no fundamental difference than hair vitamins for people that have other hair colours. Hair growth is determined by factors as genetics, diet, lifestyle, and diseases. This means that hair growth vitamins for black hair are the same as any other type.

However, a different hair texture sometimes could lead to a various reaction on certain nutrients and vitamins. For example, people with coarse hair textures may benefit from more frequent deep conditioning treatments and the use of hair oils to prevent breakage, while finer hair textures may need to be more cautious with the amount of oil, they use to avoid weighing down their hair.

Additionally, vitamins for black hair growth in people with darker skin are more often vitamin D. This is because dark skinned people may have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency due to reduced sun exposure, which can impact hair growth and health. Thus, black hair growth vitamins such as vitamin D may be particularly important for people with darker skin, especially if they are experiencing hair loss by deficiency of vitamin D.


In conclusion, it is important to get enough vitamin in your body on a daily base for healthy hair growth and combatting hair loss. Also, a vitamin rich diet or using supplements could help you to support hair tissue and to strengthen your hairs. Neofollics Hair Technology has developed a treatment for people that suffer from vitamin and nutrients deficiencies and experience hair loss or greying because of it.