Climbazole is an antifungal drug, which is frequently used in the treatment of skin fungal infections. Thus, it is effective against dandruff, eczema and other scalp infections in your hair and scalp. The antifungal drug is used in over-the-counter shampoos, conditioners, lotions and face washes, including those made by Neofollics.

Is Climbazole safe?
According to the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (2013), Climbazole used in hair and face cosmetics at a concentration of 0.5% does not pose a risk to the health of any customer. However, its use in leave-in products with a concentration of 0.5% cannot be considered safe due to a lack of scientific evidence proving its safety in products other than hair and face cosmetics. Neofollics products, which are completely safe, do not fit into this category. The Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (2013), also known as SCCP, further states that hair products consisting of a concentration of 2.0% do not pose any risks to customers.
Another important factors were also being researched in this research. We summoned it for you here below:
• HET-Cam and CEET suggest that Climbazole is not eye-irritant.
• The potential to pose skin irritation chances are very slim.
• There are no indications of irritation problems.
• After research it is clear that no mutagenic/genotoxic effects are to be expected.
• Climbazole is rapidly absorbed and excreted, the maximum concentration in plasma is reached in approximately 8 hours.
Effects of Climbazole
Below are two different conditions, in which the drug Climbazole is effective against further reduction of your hair situation:
Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells of the scalp. The skin flakes, itches and crusts very often in this condition. Although dandruff is a minor problem it can be very annoying and embarrassing. The antifungal drug Climbazole helps to control the dandruff effectively. According to a study (2012) of 4 weeks in testing different shampoos, the effects of a pyrithione/climbazole shampoo were more effective in reducing dandruff than an ZPT shampoo.
Scalp eczema has different causes such as genetic allergens, stress and medicines. Scalp eczema is most of the time an reddened itchy infection, also scaly and greasy patches could appear. Though eczema is not a fungus, inhibiting infection using an anti-fungal agent, such as Climbazole is the key to treat your scalp eczema.
Climbazole for hair
Anti-fungal products such as Climbazole can have a positive effect against dandruff and skin infections. In combination with other ingredients the products of Neofollics contain an healthy and effective product against several hair conditions as hair loss, dandruff, grey hair, cove formation and thinning hair. The caring and active ingredients lay the foundation for healthy hair growth and provide rich nutrients to the scalp that are being absorbed by the hair follicles, which stimulates new and stronger hair.

Products with Climbazole (scalp therapy line)
In the new Neofollics scalp therapy line, the product Climbazole is used. The line is developed for nourishing the scalp and to relieve all your scalp concerns such as dandruff, hair loss and Seborrheic dermatitis. The therapy line suits you perfectly if you want to have a clear and healthy scalp and hair condition. It is the best and most effective non-pharmaceutical treatment against scalp conditions.
The product:
• Exfoliates the scalp and removes sebum build up
• Reduces dandruff and flaking
• Balances microbial activity
• Prevents irritation and itching
• Decreases inflammation and redness
• Is a total nourishment for the scalp
Results of Climbazole (scalp therapy line)

The scalp line is clinically tested by 90 different people with mild to severe scalp conditions. 95% of the people are satisfied with the products. They experience an overall improvement on the health of their scalp and they experience less dandruff and flakes and a reduce in itching and irritation.
In this example a women of 67 years old experiences seborrheic eczema, after 28 days the results are very effective and the feeling of both the scalp and hair feel good. The hair also feels softer and fuller.
Climbazole is thus a safe antifungal drug used in the scalp therapy line of Neofollics. This antifungal drug helps in effectively fighting dandruff and fungi on the scalp. (link)
Frequently asked questions
Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
De Neofollics Haargroei Stimulaterende Shampoo is de meest effectieve shampoo om de haargroei te bevorderen. Naast de 12 haargroeistimulerende ingrediënten is deze shampoo ook voedend. Het kalmeert de hoofdhuid, is effectief tegen roos en legt de basis voor een gezonde haargroei.
Hoe de Neofollics Haargroei Shampoo werkt
De Neofollics Shampoo wordt met de vingertoppen rechtstreeks op de hoofdhuid aangebracht. Hierbij wordt de shampoo zachtjes gemasseerd en verdeeld. De shampoo levert rijke voedingsstoffen aan de hoofdhuid die door de haarzakjes worden opgenomen.
De verzorgende ingrediënten in de shampoo verbeteren de algehele conditie van de hoofdhuid. Dit is de basis voor een gezonde haargroei en het remmen van haaruitval. Vanuit deze basis zijn het de vitaliserende ingrediënten in de shampoo die de haarzakjes voorzien van de voeding die ze nodig hebben om nieuw en sterker haar te produceren.
Uit de klinische test blijkt dat het gebruik van de shampoo leidt tot minder haaruitval, de haargroei bevordert en onmiddellijk meer volume aan het haar geeft. Kortom, de Neofollics shampoo is de meest krachtige shampoo om jouw haargroei te stimuleren.
Inhoud Neofollics Haargroei Shampoo
De Neofollics Shampoo bevat 250ml Haargroei Stimulerende Shampoo, voldoende voor 2 maanden gebruik afhankelijk van de dosering. Verder bevat The Neofollics Shampoo 12 bewezen actieve ingrediënten om haaruitval op meerdere manieren aan te pakken en de haargroei te stimuleren.
Voor wie is de Neofollics Shampoo geschikt?
De Neofollics Shampoo is geschikt voor iedere man en vrouw (18+) die de conditie van het haar effectief wil verbeteren en stimuleren. Daarnaast is de shampoo ook een geschikte oplossing om haaruitval tegen te gaan.
Geschikt product voor:
- (Extreme) haaruitval
- Dunner wordend haar
- Een stijgende haarlijn
- Inhamvorming
- Alopecia Areata
- Androgenetic Alopecia
- Telogeen Effluvium
- Haaruitval na zwangerschap
- Haaruitval tijdens menopause
Kortom, de shampoo biedt een oplossing bij meerdere soorten haaruitval.
De ervaringen met de Neofollics Shampoo
Veel mensen ervaren positieve effecten na gebruik van de Neofollics shampoo. De meeste gebruikers zien verbeteringen in hun haarconditie na drie maanden gebruik. Wil je jouw ervaring delen? Ga dan naar de review sectie bovenaan de pagina.
Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion
De Neofollics Haargroei Stimulerende Lotion, met 7% Neoxyl®, is de krachtigste lotion op de markt om haargroei te stimuleren. Het Neoxyl haargroei complex bevat 10 wetenschappelijk bewezen ingrediënten om de haargroei te stimuleren.