

Vitiligo causes your skin to lose color or pigmentation. Smooth white areas called macules or patches appear on your skin, which generally starts o...

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Scalp pain | Sore scalp

Scalp pain | Sore scalp

Pain on scalp can occur to everyone. A painful scalp can hurt, itch, burn or sting. This is not a pleasant experience and can be due to several med...

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Moisturising scalp

Moisturising scalp

When you suffer from a dry or itchy scalp, you probably want to moisturise it as soon as possible to prevent further irritation. In this article, y...

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Shingles on the scalp

Shingles on the scalp

When shingles on the scalp occur, in other words Chicken pox on scalp or Herpes Zoster on scalp, then you can experience several symptoms such as h...

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Scalp rash

Scalp rash

Scalp rash is a common condition that often comes along with an itchy scalp. Conditions called contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis may be ...

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