Why Do Men Lose Their Hair And Go Bald?

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair And Go Bald?

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair And Go Bald?

Becoming bald or suffering from hair loss is a big nightmare for men. Your hair determines your appearance and is often part of your identity. If you suffer from bald spots or extreme hair loss there are several factors that can be the cause.

In this article you can read what types of hair loss are common among men and what the most effective treatment against baldness are.

Neofollics hair growth line

How does normal men hair growth occur?

Hair growth takes place in a cycle. This means that your hair goes through several stages during its growth and these stages repeat itself after the hair falls off. The first phase a hair goes through is the anagen phase. This is the phase in which the hair grows. On average hair grows one centimetre per month during this phase. This phase lasts 3 to 5 years.

After this phase, the hair enters the transition and (catagen) phase. In this phase the hair growth stops. This phase lasts around two weeks. After this phase the telogen phase (resting phase) appears. This phase lasts between three and five months and the hair becomes duller and falls out. A new hair grows in the same follicle at the same moment.

Hairs always grows from the same hair follicles, which are already present at birth. The number of hair follicles on the scalp varies from person to person. On average, there are between 85,000 and 140,000 hair follicles on your head depending on hereditary. Normally up to four hairs can grow from the same hair follicle.

Hair loss phase

Causes of hair loss and baldness in men

  • Genetics: male-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) triggers your genes from your parents. How your genes are inherited is not clear, but it does tend to run in families. If you have close relatives that are balding, you are more likely to have it.

Hormonal changes cause hair follicles to shrink. The balding process gradually happens in the same pattern for most men. It usually starts with a thinning of the hairline above your temples and crown.

  • Medical issues: hair loss can be a sign of a medical issue, like anaemia or thyroid problems. A diet low in iron and protein can also cause your hair to thin. Hair loss can be a side-effect for drugs you take for: cancer, arthritis, depression, gout, high blood pressure or heart problems.
  • Stress: sudden stress can cause a severe physical and emotional shock, this can cause hair loss.
  • Infections: infections such as Scalp dermatitis, dandruff and ringworm can create scaly patches on the scalp and bald spots. The hair usually grows back after treatment.
  • Your immune-system: if you suffer from the genetic condition alopecia areata. Your body’s own immune system attacks your hair follicles, causing small patches of hair to fall out. There is no pain or sickness involved and is not contagious.
  • Grooming: wearing several hairstyles such as: ponytails, braids or cornrows can cause temporary hair loss. In addition, hot oil treatments and perms may damage your hair follicles.

Sorts of hair loss and baldness in men

Today, effective action can be taken against hair loss in men. The bald patches can disappear and new hair can grow. If you want to know more about the different treatments for each type of hair loss, you can look at this page.

  • Pattern hair loss by men is hair loss that primarily affects the top and front of the scalp. It typically presents itself as either a receding front hairline, loss of hair on the crown of the scalp or a combination of both. A effective treatment is The Neofollics Treatment for pattern hair loss by men.
  • Alopecia areata can cause bald patches to appear in certain places. This can be on the scalp but also in other parts of the body, such as eyelashes, eyebrows and the beard area. It is not known how Alopecia areata exactly is caused, but it may be related to autoimmune disorders. When not only your head, but even your entire body is hair-free, we speak of alopecia universalis.
  • Traction alopecia is the result of external factors having a traumatic effect on the hair follicles.
  • Telogen Effluvium is often caused by stressful situations. The cells in your body often are delayed and a lot of hairs will transform from the anagen phase in the catagenic phase. Stressful situation examples are childbirth, high fever caused by an infection, surgery under general anaesthesia, bleeding including blood donation and a severe restriction of food intake. This can be treated with an effective treatment.

At what age do men start to lose hair

Men often find out that their hair is thinning when they reach a certain age. But don't worry many men suffer from this problem,because male pattern baldness affects the majority of men at some stage in their lives.

According to the American Hair Loss association:

  • 25 percent of men who have hereditary male pattern baldness start losing their hair before the age of 21.
  • By the age of 35, approximately 66 percent of men will have experienced some degree of hair loss.
  • By the age of 50, approximately 85 percent of men will have significantly thinner hair.

Medications that may stimulate further hair loss

Hair loss from medications is usually temporary and once you stop taking the medication, hair growth will likely resume. Some of the known drugs associated with hair loss include:

  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Acne medications such as isotretinoin
  • Antifungal drugs
  • Immunosupressants
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Antidepressants

Sorts of treatments against baldness


There are several medications approved for the treatment against male pattern baldness. One of these medications is Minoxidil.

Tablets that are also effective against baldness, not because it is medication, but because they contain very effective vitamins and nutrients are these hair growth supporting tablets.


There are several shampoos that can have a positive effect on your hair growth. The Neofollics hair growth stimulating shampoo, is the most effective shampoo for hair growth and contains ingredients that not only stimulate hair growth. They also combat against scalp conditions.

Laser treatment

Laser therapy can be used to help invigorate circulation in the scalp and to stimulate hair follicles. It is a safe and tolerable treatment and also less invasive compared to hair transplant surgery. Although research is limited for laser therapy and hair growth.

Hair transplant surgery

There are two common hair transplant surgeries; follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction.

Follicular unit transplantation involves the removal of a section of skin from the back of the scalp where hair is still growing. This section of skin is then divided into hundreds of tiny pieces called grafts. These grafts are then inserted into parts of the scalp where hair currently isn’t growing.

With follicular unit extraction, the surgeon takes individual healthy hair follicles out of the scalp and then makes small holes, where hair isn't growing, and puts the healthy follicles into these holes.


It is important to recognize the cause of your hair loss as soon as possible. When you see visible changes with your naked eye it may give an uncomfortable feeling. Sometimes this means it has been going on for years. Neofollics recommends you to use our products to make sure your hair gets in a healthy condition. You can try the The best treatment for advanced hair loss to get rid of hair loss and boost hair growth.