
Fenugreek is a herb long used in alternative medicines, it is similar to clover. It’s a common ingredient in Indian dishes and often taken as a supplement and has numerous health benefits. It can also be used against hair loss, because it stimulates the blood circulation. Studies show that it has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial an anti-fungal effect. That is why you need to use this product against hair loss in your combat against hair loss and conditions such as dandruff.

Neofollics hair growth line


What is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is a plant that stands around 2-3 feet, which is about 60 to 90 centimetre tall. It has green leaves, small white flowers and pods that contain small, golden-brown seeds. Chinese people use fenugreek over a thousand years as medicine to treat skin conditions and many other diseases. In comparison, quite recently companies have picked up the effects of this plant and put it in their products such as shampoos and soap.

For Indian people the seeds and powder effect their daily lives, because they put it in their dishes for a slightly sweet, nutty taste. It is said that Fenugreek seems to slow sugar absorption in the stomach and stimulates insulin. Both of these effects lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. It can also improve levels of the male hormone and oestrogen, which makes you more fertile.

Fenugreek and hair loss

So people have used Fenugreek against various conditions and it is said to be a medicine. Some people use it even to promote hair growth. Some research shows that the seeds can treat low to moderate hair loss in men and women, but how this works is not clear yet. Even though dermatologists think, that it stimulates the blood circulation.

Various plant compounds in Fenugreek may interact with DHT in the body. If the DHT attaches itself into your hair follicles, the result would be hair loss. Fenugreek may slow down the ability of DHT to attach the hair follicles.

Fenugreek and the scalp

The antibacterial properties of fenugreek seeds coupled with its antifungal properties help get rid of the fungi that plague your scalp, causing dandruff. Fenugreek is an ingredient Neofollics uses in their products to enhance the scalp. It is an ingredient that is a rich source of protein, vitamin C and iron. This ingredient combats the flakes on the scalp effectively.

Products for a healthy scalp and against hair loss

As mentioned above Neofollics uses Fenugreek as an ingredient to combat dandruff and hair loss.
We have developed for you products that are strongly effective against dandruff but also products that stimulate your hair growth.

  • Products against dandruff are; the Neofollics ‘Scalp Therapy Line’, originates its name out of the effectiveness against dandruff and other scalp conditions. It consists out of an exfoliating shampoo and a nourishing mask. They improve the condition of your scalp and reduce inflammation, flaking and itching. The scalp becomes free from impurities and flakes, because the products have anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial ingredients.


Neofollics Scalp Therapy Line shampoo
  • Products that stimulate hair growth; Neofollics uses several nutrients and vitamins in their products, such as stimulants for hair growth. The Neofollics hair growth stimulating shampoo is easy to combine with an conditioner or lotion. Fenugreek is a ingredient that is used to achieve the best possible results for the scalp and hair growth.


Fenugreek is a herb that has various healing effects. It works as ingredient effective against dandruff and hair loss. If you suffer from these conditions you can use a gentle shampoo or lotion to get rid of these conditions.

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